There are major changes to Medicare in 2022. You can download a copy of our updated 2022 Medicare Common Questions. Reach out if you need help with the “Alphabet Soup” of Medicare!
Did you know about Medicare 5 Star Medicare Plan Special Enrollment Periods? If there is a Medicare Rated 5 Star Plan* available in your county you can use a one-time Special Enrollment Period (SEP) to join that plan between December 8th, 2021 – November 30, 2022. Why be in a regular plan when you can be in a 5 Star Rated Plan?
Your Medicare plan is out there
Let’s find it together
Are you or a loved one Medicaid & Medicare eligible? This dual eligibility status would make you quailed for a Medicare Advantage Part C plan called Dual Special Needs Plans. These plans are designed for folks covered by both programs. . These plans are Medicare $0 premium health plans designed to provide low out pocket, rich coverage on Prescription Drugs, and are packed with benefits like coverage for dental, vision, and OTC products.
*Medicare uses information from member satisfaction surveys, plans, and health care providers to give overall performance star ratings to plans. A plan can get a rating between 1 and 5 stars. A 5-star rating is considered excellent. These ratings help you compare plans based on quality and performance. Medicare updates these ratings each fall for the following year. These ratings can change each year.
Questions on Medicare?
Contact the Medicare experts at Senior Health Solutions: info@srhealthsolutionsllc.com